Week Six

At week six we are halfway through our Spring 2021 yoga teacher training. This week there were no sessions Saturday or Sunday — a welcome break after putting in five week’s hard work of self practice, postural analysis, and much philosophical discussion (not to mention homework and reading assignments!) Here is a review of our Wednesday evening class.


After our evening physical practice together we gathered in the virtual classroom to discuss the fifth and final Yama -- aparigraha or “non-attachment”. The significance of this Yama (restriction) lies in cultivating the ability to receive and let go. The concept of non-attachment is perfectly encapsulated in the flow of the breath within our yoga practice as well as in life. We breathe in to receive nourishment and we breathe out to release waste. Breathe in, receive. Breathe out, release. And repeat. 

Pictured above, the white lotus is a sacred symbol of enlightenment, rebirth, and non-attachment in Eastern philosophy.

Pictured above, the white lotus is a sacred symbol of enlightenment, rebirth, and non-attachment in Eastern philosophy.

Some gems from our conversation: the fact that we have the ability to consciously choose our attachments with awareness, how sometimes we must be ruthless in letting go, and how gratitude has the ability to bring us back to the present moment. This practice of non-attachment brought up many different perspectives from the group, each perspective a reminder that there are many ways to practice the philosophy of yoga.


Week Five


Week Seven